
not exactly work in progress…


D(r)Aft Punk

Hope everyone had a safe and peaceful Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day commemoration. Traditionally in England/UK after the solemnity of the morning and afternoon ceremonial / service we might continue to mark the occasion into the evening(s) as a giving thanks for peacekeeping and relief missions in celebrations of life. With all our old soldiers in mind and recent/currently active servicemen in our thoughts. Hopeful for global safety. Grateful to be well enough today for outing  (oops, yesterday now). Essentially, as generations of British families for whom fathers, uncles, grandfathers etc were all drafted into National Service, we should support and give thanks for the efforts of our troops every day of every week, every month, every year.

The oppressions against “British colonialism” and “white Europeans” from some small quarters of those belonging to the world’s largest established aggressors/serious organised criminals (the nasties)  are bizarre and unsettling. But it’s important to remember that’s from a minority. And be on guard only enough to notice the very unusual. Tourism is the biggest threat against our nation while visitors appear wealthy and “proper” enough. Shame the British government has been bankrupting the country these last few years and sees the tourism industry as ” desirables”. It’s wreaking havoc, all over. As it has, elsewhere.

It’s never really bothered me too much how the music genre ‘New Wave’ such as Blondie et al is coined (as if) punk rock in the States but is nothing like British Punk Rock music. Borderline perhaps, and of course, we punks love some if not all of it, and often have quite eclectic musical taste (very wide). But the new wave of criminally-minded capitalist’s deceptive devisive faux ‘archival’ footage across all types of popular music is (a) quite concerning and (b) nothing we Brits have had to battle against and/but resist in earlier decades/centuries.

I wouldn’t have expected while listening to my FM radio to be hearing British Broadcasting of pretentious propoganda. Shocked and disgusted by contemporary American digitally overlaid voice-over obliterating the authentic American radio file(s) of Armistice Day 1918 speeches, backgrounded by the authentic musical backing of crackly vinyl record I had to switch over. Very few channels left here in Midlands that haven’t been overtaken by American ideals. Very sad. Insurgencies are quite terrifying and impacts are so reminding of all those nasty war stories. As if the war never really ended at all. How stupid is this for so-called intelligent beings…

Anyway, back to the point of this point. Having abandoned the radio and falling back on CDs to play (plenty contemporary English music, a bit old skool now but timeless quality, followed by some Blues Brothers, B52s and Beach Boys et al) I was interested to read an article about ?What?and the mysterians leading me to a song called ’96 Tears’ attributed to them and coined (as if) the first ever punk rock song. Hilarity abounds.

The YouTube video for ’96 Tears’clearly features doppelgangers/look-alikes. This is only conjecture but they appear to be miming to a very poor rendition of a typically sixties pop-Mod style. The video content is staged and manipulated to appear as if authentic and the tune’s lyrical content leaves much to be desired. The lyrics appear to be written post-1996. Internet history is missing most facts and poorly documented not something, so fact-checking is contentious and not something. I’m minded to spend much further time with while so low-energy.

Curious to find an authentic musical reference file for ‘…the mysterians’ I was glad to find their song ‘Up Side’. Thank goodness for something REAL.

So much fake shite around online. Much by way of corrupted manipulations. Shame. Looking at the photo for ‘Up Side’ confirms the first file’s personae are actors and not the original band shown in the ‘Up Side’ track photo. Why would anyone bother faking them?!

Finally the up-shot is the experience inspired an off the cuff (ad hoc) reflective poem retaliating against the hodge-podge dodgey lodge type issues that make the world so bogus these days. To what end? Dirty nasty money? Shove it!

Goodwill and Peace, Health and Happiness to all, Hopefully. Here’s my poem  inspired by ’96 Tears’:

?What? (hilarious) Not

By hook or by crook?
tri_o’d an’ tri_age?
Faux ho-beaux diddly dumb down
staged archival rock

And swayed by the checkpoint
so not monochrome
by the digital filter
there falsehood be shown

Harlequin collar
almost pudding bowl hair
puppets string dance steps
and music score bare

O’ who might believe
they c’u’d call it punk rock
try and steal our youth movement
EN titles and stock

See those signs in the background
and fore ground re-boot
call ?WHAT? as you will
AmEn t’wit-t’woo-hoot.

©©Copyright 2018, Personal & Educational Use Only [please]; Fair Use usually applies [please check your applicable local Law if in doubt].

PS: I am aware that American English is an opposite foreign language variant ‘english’ and my natural original English writing is open to potential misinterpretations and mistranslations (as are all foreign languages). Also, text to speech automation may be problematic. Please do not hesitate to contact me or leave a comment here (or use my contact form) if you have any questions, concerns or additional needs. Thank you for reading.



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Love and Peace (haiku)

Grays of fog brought Peace
Full cloud haze mist drifts thereby
Love knows not its’ name.

©©2018 Original. 01/10/2018 [ad hoc, in a flash]

My impromptu entry to

[I hope it was only nature at work 27/9/2018, 6:39am UK time and that disasters and devastations have been as small and minimal as humanly possible. There’s not really much in the way of timely reliable news. Hopefully war crimes aren’t afoot again! Surely it’s not humans DOing IT! Bots and Artificial Intelligence? Otherwise it’s just f’**ing unbelievable! All OK enough here in UK as far as known, Thinking of all in Southern Hemisphere, Indonesia especially now news reached us, also China, Poland, etc – all those experiencing quakes and turbulent seas.

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“…general jerk-like behavior”

Apparently that phrase above is acceptable promotional language for the meet things running in UK the last year or two(?) dunno how long really, only noticed info recently. Looking at a couple of examples lately and I don’t feel I’m missing anything for none appearing to be held in my home city.

Of course people usually can be expected to behave in public environments but what we call British sense of humour appears potentially not tolerated too!

I don’t want sitting down in a classroom or a lecture hall for a WP meet with some professional twit enough to volunteer to give a presentation style talk as if it’s the Worker’s Education Association but probably isn’t and I just don’t like the look of the little I’ve seen so far without knowing enough to inform my opinion. Why not marquees on city / town squares on busy shopping days and if you’re around you can just drop in to someone’s table / display board like other UK community events work? Or lay on a creche / family friendly afternoon with free cookies and ice-cream with 99 red balloons being not enough or maybe much too many. Free-writing again. Nothing’s working.

Whatever it is – information to impart/promotion/participation expectation – you often have to TAKE it – to where people happen to be. Not expect them to go all out and attend. Sweeping generalisation there i know. And I’m being a jerk writing back to that prompt. Like that nottingham(shire?)council sponsored CUNT stunt displayed HUGE on slab square in the name of art for art’s sake and protest a few years ago. i did screenshot it so could prove it too. (Public CCTV grazing for art reason of reading in newspaper about artists working with data collection – triggered my screenshot stuff). I’ve not published it of course, the council copyright notice made clear. i’d be free to give it away on pieces of paper but it’s hardly worth trying. How impolite to suggest people need telling they gotta behave proper!

There are problems with setting things up to fail all over the shop. Although a pretty good turn out if you can get even 8 to 10 people in the same fixed place at the same fixed time in this country! So they actually looked successful by UK standards and i’m not knocking the volunteer organisers (who often tend to invite and encourage attendees from their own networking circles to help things look more successful than they really are so you never can be sure and it’s another issue that might or might not put me off) but if you can’t see public info enough on how they operate and there’s no public feedback at what went on at these things, why would you take any more out of your time to try contacting someone somewhere to wait to find out about it.

Unknown online organisations running the things? do they get a monopolised patch on a city/town territory? Or small-fry local, government funded, business organisations running the show? And British University support isn’t really a guarantee of anything these days is it. All our industries have been complaining enough for years about uni turn-outs and lack of skills. No wonder. Even standard school text books have too many incomprehensible moments in trying to read Americanised English and Americanised context so that it’s difficult to see what you need to understand from what should be  a quite simple page. i know. Look who’s talking springs to mind. Does this appear or sound like a text book page? This is not what I was trying to make. Should be obvious?

I’d rather any other non-professional blogging person in the world with the gumption to try doing something just got on with publically declaring, hey, we’re doing this and see how it goes – picnic on the beach on whenever the next Sunny Saturday afternoon is. Y’know, while all the yobbish peeps with kids ie. people/families! mostly are in the arcades and on the tatt markets and so on. (Awful thing to say I know!) Of course i’m as far away from the sea as a person can be living in this city, so that wasn’t a serious suggestion. Local rec. maybe?

Surely that quoted phrase ‘general jerk-like behavior’ is an example of the very thing it suggests is unacceptable (at one of those types of meetings)? Is that why it’s there? dark sarcasm. pink floyd fans maybe then.

It’s both potentially offensive to disabled / impaired people who might have tremors and so jerk about their everyday lives -and is also very offensive to our English language to use an American spelling of our behaviour!

Maybe I’m being pedantic. Maybe it’s contagious. There’s swarms of apparently very nice respectable ladies out there being very undignified and obnoxious twattin’ about as all sorts of professionals oppressing the hell out of humanity appearing to seek advantageous control of the freedoms of others by way of cleverly worded interpretations / misinterpretations. Many of it stemming from the US with their very different culture – the absolute cheek of some man you tubing bullshit about how British people identify more with america and australia than europe. Depends how you asked the leading questions chap if you got those results from survey data.

back to the Word. good. The Word is Good. Good God FFS! Does that pukey service gramarly have anything to do with that ‘behavior’ nonsense in that UK promotional blurb. Maybe. Not everyone realises it’s not English! I think when I checked they don’t actually have an English grammar service. only standardised American. Not all Americans use standardised AmEn grammar either. For most UK technology consumers it’s a foreign language service provider ie. for American language use. This standardised rubbish doing the rounds via software that wants you to put ALL your communications through it. And not even trial the service before signing up? There should be a law against it in this country! Appears shoddy business standard. I do wish my internet streams sucked in more European content. But…

I guess the US dominates the internet for being 20 years ahead of population integration to the web and lacking foundational computing knowledge. So less likely to understand the gubbins of software coding. Probably by design. Dominate the professions on our home soil. First they take over and refuse to leave at least one of our air force bases (a long time ago now) and stupid bloomin’ Brit government let them flood in with whatever dodgy money looking like tourists breaking any law they like maybe blowing stuff up and blaming Libyans cos the style changes of news items and details not presenting in usual ways just give it away – Britain under pressure – Buck.Pal. springs to mind… poisoning defectors from elsewhere (as per the BBC in news quote from an American based Russian scientist/defector clearly stating ‘this country’ about the full cycle of the poison use thing and by that meaning America, unless he was visiting Britain and was here saying Britain are responsible. i can’t be doing fact-checking just now. A lot of dodgy stuff going down. and on this post. I’m not apologising on this one.

And here I am potentially allegedly-able anti-Americanising again, conversationally, as is my right – and I might be wrong on a few things in this post but I’m clearly telling you I don’t know for sure do I! .and I am NOT anti-american until they’re rogue flippin’ I.S. /military hoodwinking and shittin’on our doorsteps. Good Morning Britain! Wake up! Some might say ‘you’re being a jerk!’Or we all are. Some might say all sorts. Whatever.

And it’s very intolerant of people who might appear awkward or disruptive but whom experience difficulties with communication, for example, and frustration with intolerant deliverers of however they do things with whatever bad attitudes a lot of so called professional people might have about the low-life turning up to get in on the action and so on. Obviously i know nothing about nothing. The phrase affrays. a simple phrase. (reminds me of my poem here i think!) Please don’t suggest I stick with poetry. Nor tar and pitch!

I’ll try keeping an open mind but not wasting any more than the few minutes I just distracted with. And you’d expect a WP group to not to expect you to join a facebook group as well as the WP group really wouldn’t you? I.e. a members private access area on an organisers blog for ease of access for WP bloggers is surely better for most people unless they use facebook more than being bloggers and just also happen to have a blog.

Surely they need Fb meets not WP meets if they’re about a different platform for their comms? I’m really not meaning to be this awkward battle-axe of a Brit grandma. i just can’t help myself. My generation’s all getting old but we bring our child-i with us as we age don’t we? and if you reach juvenile stage before adulthood you’re fortunate and retain some enough for when you gotta laff or else you’d cry. Some audience might not like it. And see if I care?

I’m waiting for a notification of a local virtual access version of a WordCamp type thing but I guess they only do these real world things regardless of the number of UK bloggers with accessibility issues for getting to real world venues. You can’t please all the people all the time is true. And unlikely I can get anywhere for ages anyway. Sounds stupid doesn’t it while we don’t need jeeps or guzzling monster trucks to drag ourselves hundreds of miles just to get to a diner and store if we’re lucky. y’know. Leaves on track. Bit of snow. Rainy day no out to play.

But a lecture type presentation is going nowhere fast for most Brit bloggers surely? I can understand why we’re unlikely to have anything as wonderful as the US WordCamps here – unless there’s a tent at Glastonbury or something.

But I’m not bothered about not going there either. Everywhere’s too far to walk! I went once. I’ll probably never go again, cos been there, done that, once is enough. Not exactly missing anything other than overpriced everything and the rain and the mudslides etc.

Music is everywhere. It’s horrible being at a festival with so many stages instead of just one main and maybe one or two smaller alternatives. It’s like being stuck in Disneyland Paris for four days unable to go to the Louvre for three of them (and actually had 0days at Louvre that time in Paris!) and then having had two rides one of them almost giving you a heart attack and not being able to enjoy anymore of the funfair while stuck in plastic toy land. But the animation museum was great and so was the sit back and look at starry skies show thing, can’t remember what you call it now. Doh!

This isn’t really a quote post is it! I just wanted to see what one looks like.

Lav. poem starter drafted in just now recital practise:

If you’re an inky-pinky and i’m an inky-punky / when-e’er the twain shall ne’er meet […tbc]

A.R.R. 2018

[writing201 for imperfect posts so adding to editing/extraction task pile – oh please not another stupidly long post… lol]

0642 BST / 0542 UCT/GMT waiting for breakfast to magic itself UP! [1894-1896 words. count. If it was history i wonder what happened?] 1904 getting off. NOW then. [1908 ‘The Other Side’ springs mind wieder. Again. [1915] [wc]

Must stop counting. [1919]

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Will I just spring back with a new post?

Well, I’ve been asked and been begging myself this for quite a while in this long, long while and whilst THIS is not the destination intended of one or another who did so ask, right here, i begin, once more.

And thinking ‘posts’ sifts back to the forefront of my mind the frustrations of needing repairs and replacements to fencing and significant attention to securing my boundaries (here, at home).

Looking back, here and there, i see, oh dear, how i rant and how it might appear and think, ‘oh well’ and if that’s how it was, then why should i care – although polishing is needed for sure (this post, not the fence!) Now is not the time. And if it were … when… “less” said the better.

So, this being not the destination nor the time, still, I find myself here once more. Calmer for the ‘rest’. I do hope. So…

How about an unplanned poem…


“Conversant” I’m prompted – so in poetic I


As conversation’s such a struggle

Too … muddled – tired – not yet


Better nor brunched…

Around and about, unforgettable reads, but forget to

Comment (and wow your posts packed a punch and so

Kicking myself) in the cogs and the wheels while minding cluttered clogged mind


Simply noting to self:

Oscillate back to

Original post

Notes hidden in pages I’ll return to at some stage and some point…


Conversation provoked but exhaustion stalls so stayed

Immersed in handwritten lines and mental notes made

Attempting to re-capture these some

Other time…


Fast forward a day,

Or a week, or a year

Replies to remember and bring you good cheers


Never saying nothing

Or quick ‘hallo’  like quick ‘bye-bye’

Wishing when I try to speak my words rebound in real good time.


© Colette Bates, 23rd February, 2018. All Rights Reserved [usual Fair Use terms apply]

I’m not in a mind for linking up and ‘driving traffic’ from host pages at the moment while I need to rest a bit from reading (and properly taking part drives me to try and read as many as possible of everyone else’s within the day of posting or however long it takes and I really don’t have enough reading energy having read quite a lot of blogs lately – but encountering the issues contained in the poem and so leaving silence to accompany the stat-hit of my visit even when I had plenty to respond to). Also because this is a rough draft, straight off the cuff and I might wish to jazz it up a bit or repost differently, elsewhere. But while I’m rattling on, I’ve been intending taking part in some events and just never getting around to it.  Today’s prompt from the Daily Post, ‘CONVERSANT’, so reminded me of this week’s photo-prompt at Sonya’s event, ‘Three Line Tales’, revealed yesterday. I won’t spoil it for you, if you don’t know how to get there you can easily find it on the Daily Post website’s ‘Events Listings’ page.  A sharp prod to hammer out three lines of dialogue for the Three Line Tales photo-prompt was the first thing the ‘CONVERSANT’ prompt did for me. I might post that here or there later when I’ve let it settle. These days I can’t see for looking in the moments of doing. Besides, the three lines I made are not the response I intended in my first response idea. I have a feeling this post has just taken me far too long and I was s’posed to be treating myself to making a bean or more – I think that means go heat and eat beans or something as it’s getting late in the day and the light’s fading fast… but you didn’t need to know that (note to self!)


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In Loving Memory of our wonderful Nans, RIP – I chose this photo from the few I’ve taken so far this morning to accompany my poem posted here today.


If rhyming couplets had their day

and free verse won the New World Order

I’d bet the Limericks sure gonna stay

the best remembered by the poetry hoarder.

A sonnet! A sonnet! I hear ye bequeath

but I have to confess I’ve not written one yet

as inherited form it somehow falls beneath

my aspiring limits, still I fear no regret!

Heck who says a haiku’s not poetry! Why?

It’s much more than maths, did you give one a try?

It’s only a literary game – write a motto –

It will soon multiply, makes – vice versa, then ditto…?

A pantoum’s not a pantun unless it’s in French

and a villanelle’s form in binary rhyming to be wrenched

is quite a far cry from the original verses –

the audacities of lit’rary High World, and so, curses!

A ballad is too sing-song? Too remind of native tongue?

Best to say it’s French derived, for all it’s said and done?

And please speak in iambic – don’t be so anapest!

When dactylls bring such terror, poetry sure needs a rest.

You said, ‘pick out a spondee’ – I went looking for a sponge

to set about pot-washing, ‘cos there’s plenty to be done!

Should I spend my days in dribs and drabs some hip-hop to try then scrawl?

Just to please MIssieurs Academia? I beg, I’d sooner crawl –

for that would be pretentious, quite obscene and frankly, lame

to jump on that cool bandwagon claiming all’s Poetry’s fine game!

© Colette Bates, August 2017 All Rights Reserved [usual Fair Use terms apply]

I wrote this poem with four line stanzas and the final stanza of six lines for practise extension freewriting during week 3 of UIowa’s IWP MOOC Power of the Pen (Poetry and Playwriting), unsubmitted and previously unpublished. We were learning about the pantoum in particular for poetry that week. I’d submitted a quite dire pantoum effort  and decided to play with the villanelle form and free forms… sadly I fizzled out and didn’t complete my MOOC work for that course, although I achieved the creative writing unit in July. I’m having dreadful difficulty obtaining my poetry certificates for neuro-burn-outs and failing my third try at ModPo so going with SloPo again and hoping to achieve that NEXT year now! If it even continues that far. Fingers crossed it will!

(NB: Be aware, (an)other person(s) has been gaining access illegally and unauthorised to my home and very recently stolen my current account debit card and recent utitlities documents. For some reason the card stolen from me last year has been actively used by someone else unknown to me (including abroad and in France last Autumn according to my bank and that card should have been cancelled by my bank once I was aware it had actually been stolen from under my bed by an unauthorised trespasser and not simply misplaced and had reported it and it should have been cancelled by my bank!) and this old previously cancelled card has been replaced to my purse in place of my actual debit card and it has been used locally as my own receipts have been removed from my purse after my last essential outing and replaced with another persons’ transactions for prepayment electricity to a nearby household. Either that or I’m having cognitive processing faults and hallucinating visible words and numbers on  personal effects and suffering extreme paranoia. My automatic/direct debit/bank transfer payments should still go through as my bank account so far still functions and I have not moved from my home address nor do I have any plans to. Hounds of hell and their bitches can take a running jump and have as nice a life as they like anywhere else in the world that they please, as they aren’t actually local residents and have their own homes to return to! I happen to live HERE at home! Air B&B should be made illegal and criminals should be prevented from entering our country and from travelling abroad when they stir up such vendettae against innocents. I’d bet 95% of criminal convictions are so circumstantial and SOC instigated that I don’t believe barely a word of most news reporting for a good many years now! And no, masons are not allowed their crimes scotfree nor for all the money in the world! Twots!


Having another go at poetry…

Week 5 ‘Ongoing poetry game’ at #ModPo ~ but not sure i’m unblocked from posting poems there yet – dunno what that’s about, clearly i can’t write a poem to save my life!

constraint: to use the ten prompted key words in this thing called ‘ottiva rima’ – and no i won’t capitalise the term! that’s so unnecessary…

i probably failed for not writing in regular meter (should be spelt metre, but it confuses people with measuring! we don’t learn formal meter in general UK population because language does not work like machine code and we’re meant to develop natural language and our humanity!) So this is my first attempt at the challenge and of this particular form:

[untitled, free verse attempting the ‘ottiva rima’ form]

There’s no time for rhyme in a world gone mad why

reckoning while no king – no patriarchy –

bourgeoisie to decline – resist and deny –

our birds tear at torn skies, creatures all born free

determine red – green – gold-blue star upon nigh

– so – little that’s polite in hierarchy

to remind it’s obscene, when facts show as – farced –

so much that’s not true in the present and past.

© Colette Bates, October 2017 All Rights Reserved [usual Fair Use terms apply]


Taking IT to the cleaners

On the way to readying winter outerwear, I called in for coffee and elevenses and poetry/art elucidation with a wacky artisty friend.

Had she heard…?

Well. No. No, nor me. So that made me feel better then. A bit less ignorant. Good!

Although there might have been a risk of having forgotten to get out of slippers and looking alike somewhere crossed between Michelin Man and Sulley from Monsters Inc in my onesy over half a dirty dozen of underwear layers hiding middle-age spread and bloomers of all things keeping me nice and warm without even a coat on yet, on my way home with shopping I got some snaps away from the yard for a change.

“Ruth Lechlitner” I’d said. She’d launched into stilts and Glastonbury remembrances and we paid no heed of either’s lack of attention for the other’s aside reflections.

Then something dawned. Noted. And forgotten.

On a scrappy coffee-stained notepad page she’d passed me this to bring home and ‘prove IT’ … she can write a ‘N0 Chance Operation’ poem from thin air too.

“yes, of course I can post it as soon as I’m… well, if I forget while passsing, it’s not that far to a post-box, really, is it!”

Do you know it’s still wherever I left it when i arrived through my door. hopelessly…

… and now two days later and hasn’t time flown as if it were only yesterday and I didn’t even put it on SPD for the pair of them! So here’s a poem from an anonymous no-one of some of ours esteem (posted with permission, guaranteed, special delivery, first class)

Repeat after me to write, leaving the left Sleeve in the uptight no fear don\\ ‘ t fight many small prediction can\\ ‘ t right rear sight site courtesy site mercy no mercy Now

I didn’t see who the translating helper was. A Ukranian virtual assistant in another virtual part of our world I believe. I’ve no idea of the poetic presentation but it’s as agreed a single line and in one breath. There may be countless versions of various poetic essences and deliveries in the making anytime durign the next century or three. We’re all such snails and so unconcerned for any rush “even if the whole world depends on IT…” is apparently our next elevenses workshopping writing prompt to prepare and be ready with.

Now did i drop my dry cleaning receipt on my way home? No idea. did I slip through one of them odd angle portals and I’m sure I was still in Nottingham or did I step out in Portsmouth in error? And without even realising…

here I am forgetting to post one of my several ModPo reflective poems from readings last week around Gertrude Stein, Jon Peale Bishop, and Dada, including the amazing and wonderful Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and her fantastic rebuke “A dozen cocktails – please” (maybe I should’ve capitalised, can’t remember and can’t be bothered to check…

in a hurry then

So far untitled while i’m working on Lechlitner and trying not to be too LOLling around as things to make and do like afternoon tea and fooding for dinner…

a poem (all mine, of course – Modern poetry, aka #ModPo and so:


even Stevens starts again

red w’ther days P’cock tales

back when


w-hoosy-wore the trewzees

Willy win a skirt

wonderful when wars end wi’none of’em gettin’ g’hurt


cure it as y’cuss it

calm it while y’can

can ‘e call a cuppa cold contagion conception


zuccini in a zeppelin?

Zoology in zeal

zany zee-zee-zeeing x-o-phobic de’ts-z’ept’s. Reel.

© Colette Bates, October 2017 All Rights Reserved

(of course free to share! aren’t we all zillybillyGoatsGruff about IT! doesn’t that usually mean for personal and education use only and Fair Use always being applicable?)

I forgot to post a pic! Random grab from my snaps quick then…

Not so random actually… and although I do love my WordPress-iNG…. well, you can sometimes find me #skywatching elsewhere, like my latest post here:

One day IT will all make better sense… (tbc/ to be contd.)


Making for a Momentous March…


I’d like to make next month of March

momentous in some way –

it really is beyond time

to bring something into play…

Hopefully as ever, preparing now a plan

for some momentous change here,

I’ll announce it when I can …


Over at Ruth’s blog, every Wednesday she’s choosing a word to inspire her post for that day. She’s issued an open invitation for others to join in with her Wednesday Word, either in the comments or with a pingback to your own post.

I wasn’t really intending this post to be poetry for the Wednesday word – I was planning a simple post, forewarning of near future blog changes and to pass on the invite from Ruth, also recommending her wonderful poetry responses to her chosen prompt words.

My response proper will be (in a while) over at my other blog, The Wishing Well – that will be my main blogging space while I work out my plans for this space …




BLISS (Limerick)

This was supposed to be one of responses to post for Rashmi’s Limerick Challenge #2, with the prompt BLISS – I also thought it fit the final writing201:poetry theme prompt ‘pleasure’ too. Having drafted this last weekend, I’m very late posting. Writing201 finished last week and the new Limerick prompt will have been announced yesterday. I just can’t keep up with things at the moment. I also wanted to find one of my pics to go with this and haven’t even looked for it yet, anyway, here’s my BLISS limerick:

Before the tide upon sandy swathed shores

Lapping up foaming waves soon procures

Intuitive rhythms and

Subtle life givens

So indelible memory endures


I had a thing for Limericks last weekend and wrote quite a lot of verses in Limerick form. To compensate for not writing to all the daily poetry assignments I wrote a Limerick verse for each day’s theme prompt. I’m typing that to a page as it’s so long…