
not exactly work in progress…

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Suppertime & getting fed up…


For goodness sake! One moment my clock says 19:00hrs (UCT/GMT) and the next it’s almost 10pm! How does my dinner stay warm so long. Well. I guess that’s why a hostess trolley comes in so handy isn’t it. Thank goodness the host has it. I’m hopeless. And not.

I don’t remember slipping with the hotkeys for adding a background and if i had it would have still had the standard definition and not the high-definition file selected. i don’t use any high-definition stuff, even though for a free TV package that I’ve never used in several years of living at home, I still get charged extra for high definition! How do they get away with that??? Anything to do with landlords and workmen nicking my router password while in the house and police officers gaining illegal entry with or without a warrant when i’ve been away because of stupid and false rumours. Maybe.

But then once upon a time during housework i’d also popped the router on the windowsill while cleaning and forgot to move it back and had had the darn password showing through the living-room window. And like a fool had nailed down my isp-hub-security, hid that password in too safe a place and never seen the light of day of it again and thought, ‘oh well, people do need more community wifi hotspots for emergency use’. I’ve had to use a good neighbour’s once from their garden wall after moving out and needing to access info to court procedure and how to complain to police about violence of being wrongfully arrested. but hey, i got gender equality that day!!! I do hope they’ve not been doing illegal stuff over my router whatever way they got the password for the router, but then it might help them nail their own rosebeds to their own frontyards and sometimes we do need to nail down our belongings, don’t we.

Anyway. Despite the rumours about the potentials of abuses against vulnerable people via capatalist projects and so on, and the secrecy of the #TimeForUnrest film and their audience participation activities, and it looking a bit alike the secrecy of Lightening Therapy projects, well, I’m trying not to be over-anxious about all that. But we learnt in little school about the dangers during wars and mass-migrations of illegal art and literature practitioners and that they not only steal but during history have also been murderous.

Well! What a dreadful thing to be thinking. And delaying supper some more. Oh dear. Must dash – before the host’s hostess gives out. Cheers all 🙂 I’ll post whatever I’m late with whenever I get it there, as per usual. Hope all is good in your parts of the world. Mokha (Mocha?) is not looking good and nor are alot of places. But we’re fine here andd usually… I’m too often sim-citying and #otherwhyzzzoccupied with tweetypie a bit too often for my #rhubarb-and-custard-liking and will pingback some pudding one day or anuvva. B4n.


Having another go at poetry…

Week 5 ‘Ongoing poetry game’ at #ModPo ~ but not sure i’m unblocked from posting poems there yet – dunno what that’s about, clearly i can’t write a poem to save my life!

constraint: to use the ten prompted key words in this thing called ‘ottiva rima’ – and no i won’t capitalise the term! that’s so unnecessary…

i probably failed for not writing in regular meter (should be spelt metre, but it confuses people with measuring! we don’t learn formal meter in general UK population because language does not work like machine code and we’re meant to develop natural language and our humanity!) So this is my first attempt at the challenge and of this particular form:

[untitled, free verse attempting the ‘ottiva rima’ form]

There’s no time for rhyme in a world gone mad why

reckoning while no king – no patriarchy –

bourgeoisie to decline – resist and deny –

our birds tear at torn skies, creatures all born free

determine red – green – gold-blue star upon nigh

– so – little that’s polite in hierarchy

to remind it’s obscene, when facts show as – farced –

so much that’s not true in the present and past.

© Colette Bates, October 2017 All Rights Reserved [usual Fair Use terms apply]


Taking IT to the cleaners

On the way to readying winter outerwear, I called in for coffee and elevenses and poetry/art elucidation with a wacky artisty friend.

Had she heard…?

Well. No. No, nor me. So that made me feel better then. A bit less ignorant. Good!

Although there might have been a risk of having forgotten to get out of slippers and looking alike somewhere crossed between Michelin Man and Sulley from Monsters Inc in my onesy over half a dirty dozen of underwear layers hiding middle-age spread and bloomers of all things keeping me nice and warm without even a coat on yet, on my way home with shopping I got some snaps away from the yard for a change.

“Ruth Lechlitner” I’d said. She’d launched into stilts and Glastonbury remembrances and we paid no heed of either’s lack of attention for the other’s aside reflections.

Then something dawned. Noted. And forgotten.

On a scrappy coffee-stained notepad page she’d passed me this to bring home and ‘prove IT’ … she can write a ‘N0 Chance Operation’ poem from thin air too.

“yes, of course I can post it as soon as I’m… well, if I forget while passsing, it’s not that far to a post-box, really, is it!”

Do you know it’s still wherever I left it when i arrived through my door. hopelessly…

… and now two days later and hasn’t time flown as if it were only yesterday and I didn’t even put it on SPD for the pair of them! So here’s a poem from an anonymous no-one of some of ours esteem (posted with permission, guaranteed, special delivery, first class)

Repeat after me to write, leaving the left Sleeve in the uptight no fear don\\ ‘ t fight many small prediction can\\ ‘ t right rear sight site courtesy site mercy no mercy Now

I didn’t see who the translating helper was. A Ukranian virtual assistant in another virtual part of our world I believe. I’ve no idea of the poetic presentation but it’s as agreed a single line and in one breath. There may be countless versions of various poetic essences and deliveries in the making anytime durign the next century or three. We’re all such snails and so unconcerned for any rush “even if the whole world depends on IT…” is apparently our next elevenses workshopping writing prompt to prepare and be ready with.

Now did i drop my dry cleaning receipt on my way home? No idea. did I slip through one of them odd angle portals and I’m sure I was still in Nottingham or did I step out in Portsmouth in error? And without even realising…

here I am forgetting to post one of my several ModPo reflective poems from readings last week around Gertrude Stein, Jon Peale Bishop, and Dada, including the amazing and wonderful Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and her fantastic rebuke “A dozen cocktails – please” (maybe I should’ve capitalised, can’t remember and can’t be bothered to check…

in a hurry then

So far untitled while i’m working on Lechlitner and trying not to be too LOLling around as things to make and do like afternoon tea and fooding for dinner…

a poem (all mine, of course – Modern poetry, aka #ModPo and so:


even Stevens starts again

red w’ther days P’cock tales

back when


w-hoosy-wore the trewzees

Willy win a skirt

wonderful when wars end wi’none of’em gettin’ g’hurt


cure it as y’cuss it

calm it while y’can

can ‘e call a cuppa cold contagion conception


zuccini in a zeppelin?

Zoology in zeal

zany zee-zee-zeeing x-o-phobic de’ts-z’ept’s. Reel.

© Colette Bates, October 2017 All Rights Reserved

(of course free to share! aren’t we all zillybillyGoatsGruff about IT! doesn’t that usually mean for personal and education use only and Fair Use always being applicable?)

I forgot to post a pic! Random grab from my snaps quick then…

Not so random actually… and although I do love my WordPress-iNG…. well, you can sometimes find me #skywatching elsewhere, like my latest post here:

One day IT will all make better sense… (tbc/ to be contd.)