
not exactly work in progress…

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#author-story ~ Contemporary Writer #1

I’m very priveleged, from the safety of home and our online virtual world, to be accessing a co-learning creative writing MOOC with an esteemed educational institution (remaining nameless, for my ‘sins’ of free-thinking, free-writing, etc and all the etceteras…).

ii’m also priveleged to be a member of Blogger’s World where sometimes on a Wednesday i contribute an #author-story post for the ‘Authors Who Made History’ series (“feature”). For today’s post there, I decided to round up an index of all the contributed posts so far – over two dozen multi-cultural articles from a volunteer team so far comprising 12 (unique individuals). This is also a call for volunteers to contribute future writing toward this series, with the article’s author retaining intellectual property rights within usual WP/BU-EUSA* ethical standards (outlined in my post).

*EUSA = End User Service Agreement = shared intellectual property rights, protections and ethical expectations etc. and these are implicit in the context of any platform wherein an individual/collective create and share creative content. [Errors and omissions likely in my brief attempt to explain this EUSA  issue]

I’m quite out of blogging/writing practise and having a tough time of relearning from primary school days the fine art of story-telling and writing creative fiction. However, I encountered the wonderfully rich English language writing of a contemporary writer originally from {UK/ Nigerian origin}.

We don’t learn enough of, or from, indigenous African writers – Nigeria being just one country within a very large continent of  many different lands and peoples, enriched with traditions of folklore and the musicality of story-telling. In any cultural context, wealth and social status invariably denotes likelihood of success at least within the limited constraints of capatalist/commercial concerns. So, thank GOODNESS for the founding principles of the wonderful WWWdotCOM and WordPress et al…

It occurred to me that i would enjoy the practise of writing about contemporary writers of all ilks and origins and perhaps i could make this, at last, a regular feature here on my personal blog . This hopefully won’t detract from my occasional contributions to the #authorstory series at BW. Anyway, at last, to the point of my post.

Introducing the author: Lesley Nneka Arimah (link=author’s site, may have vulnerability issue and be inaccessible, please try again later or check out her twitter for updates…)

Coincidentally, TOAST is the #ShutterbugShowcase prompt at BW for tomorrow and thankfully we have a volunteer contributor ready to go with a hopeful posting…

I now find that TOAST is also a writer’s blog with some interesting looking posts and Lesley contributes some writing there also.

Extract from Second Chances: A Short Story – The Toast (linked above)

My mother wore no jewelry in the photo, not even a ring as she and my father weren’t wed at the time, but brave, young lovers with, as my mother used to say, nothing to prove. There are other pictures of her here, one when she was a child, stiff between her parents, long dead. There are pictures of her at my high school graduation, on my dad’s 50th birthday, and my favorite, the one where she’s fluffing my baby sister’s frilly white pantaloons for the photo and my dad snaps just when Udoma kisses the top of Mom’s head. Udoma. I hear the front door open and she calls out in that Lucy-I’m-Home way of hers and I rush to warn her before it’s too late.

I’d also be keen to use this extract from further down her short story (link as above) as a potential writing prompt:

Extracted [#2] from: Second Chances: A Short Story – The Toast

 Those absences became less frequent as things did indeed get better and I began to be a person again. And now she just shows up, ladeedah ho-hum, like it’s not a big fucking deal.
I’m quite struck by how this fictional piece, link and extract(s) above, relates to our given text for reading, “Who Will Greet You At Home”, published 26/10/2015 in the New Yorker Magazine  (screenshot images below, shared under Fair Use allowances)…


Lesley is definitely a noteworthy writer to look out for. I’m recently new to reading her writing and haven’t spent enough time with it (her writing) yet, but looking forward to more, another time 🙂

The illustration for the magazine article above is attributed to Jeffrey Fisher and he hosts a fantastic website of his own original creative work (preview image shown below):


N.B: External links are checked as far as possible at the time of writing/publishing and placed in good faith. I accept no responsibility or liability for any content shared therein  or discontent with the materials accessed by the reader. Inclusion in my post is not for commercial representative purpose and no financial gain is received nor intended.  Please let me know of any errors/issue etc in my post and i will seek to resolve any potential reasonable complaint or suggested improvement.





not trivial f’TodoTuesday? and foto-call for… 0yeh, haiku, too…

[NB: All links in this post are to WordPress founded blogs]

Anyone sharing a Blogger’s World Tuesday trivia post any week soon? (not meaning to be assuming taskmaster position but admin are taking a long stretch with a pina colada somewhere lovely on writer’s NaNoWriMo break away, peut-etre or vielleicht… dunno Dutch-y but anyway …) ALSO, shutterbug showcase needs a volunteer to post for the weekly Thursday ‘feature’ and Blogger’s World was a great idea for a forum that’s been bedraggled by a sabotage attempt by (an)other (formerly) community member(s). Any show of support for the forum at all would be very much appreciated – and some of us are still hoping for a full reunion at some appropriate point. Testing here, as my post at Blogger’s World refuses to save or publish and probably just my impatience…

Looking for a ToDo?

Here’s another fab photography event (Tuesday prompt and week-long entries i think but please check the rules on Jansenphoto’s blog  (=home page link) for any willing takers to add to their practise postings…

Also, if you’ve not checked out Ronovan’s weekly haiku challenge and reading and/or writing poetry might be more your thing.. RonovanWrites (=homepage link) was recommended to me by a dear blogging friend and you will see why if you visit. This is another great blogging community with some fantastic advice articles and excellent quality writing and readership.

here’s my (dreadful!) quickfire HAIKU attempt in response to the PROMPT to excuse my pingback to the host’s haiku event post – 

no power trippin’ 

race runs drippin’ common sense

pour Chicken Licken


Finally, many of us are acquainted with Jacqueline of a cookingpotandtwistedtales and very fond of her writing. i’m not sure I entirely agree with the jist of this writing advice. However, it certainly has its’ time and place and appropriate use(s). I’ll be reading it again before completing my creative writing homework because my writing sure needs jazzing up (and I’m behind my study deadline again for the stalling over breakfast 😀 I can’t help that I love y’all in our blogging commons room and the wider blogosphere especially! But back to another helping of breakfast and lesser headache when I get my homework sorted! doh! Students!

So here’s hoping you have another fantastic day and look forward to hearing from you here (and your own blogs) soon, hopefully 🙂

#blogging101 #photo101 #poetry101 #writing101 #bootcamp101

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T.F.I.Friday… As was Tiswas & F-F-S

… anyone remember (Blogger’s World) and ‘Meanings Lost in Time’ … among others…???

(I’m just practising blogging101 and refreshing content here, by the way…)

I spent the day expecting it to be 5th November already, although it may as well have been. Luckily I didn’t miss 4Fawkes-sake-Friday and made this post to grow my to-do list better… and maybe, i’ll be back… soon…

Blogger's World!

Today in England (Britain/Brutain/UK?) is 4Fawkes-sake-Friday! A special evening indeed, the first night following Diwali, whereby fireworks, firelight and even tealight-type celebrations were withheld from all public areas other than those supported by one or few local BBC radio station events (apparently). Not quite tonight being Firework Night (as that’s tomorrow), I’m here while resting in bed taking up a belated challenge while enjoying some recommended listening, hoping those plenty near-off noises are only fireworks and not mortar fire(!) Sparing, our few thoughts for those global neighbours in the vicinity of such atrocities as war and violations of civilian life – and resisting the evil influences of political propogandas whilst we have no way of knowing…

The first Friday of each month we have this thing titled ‘3Quotes’ within our sidebar thing titled ‘Friday Special Feature’ and the weekly features page. @piyushavir these pages are in need of at least…

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Shutterbug Showcase #prompt for 10th November…

Any fellow bloggers or previous #blogging101 co-learners game for a challenge over in the BW forum???

Blogger's World!

Following Susan’s announcement that she would like a rest from volunteer scheduling and prefers not to be tagged at the moment for #shutterbug showcase (and while not wishing to be “volunteer scheduling-in-charge” for personal health reasons and my #authorstory interest, resuming that from next week hopefully…)

Call for volunteers to post for this event for any of the following dates? The prompt for next week is…


Susan, (arwen1968) originally suggested the fantastic idea of each participant deciding the prompt for the following week. I’m proposing that you can adapt the above prompt eg you might wish to drop the ‘TOAST’ and adapt the prompt to make it ‘CELEBRATION’, for instance – or anything else you might loosely relate to the ‘TOAST’ prompt.

Volunteers are invited to post for the following dates (non-members could post on their own blogs if they prefer as our admin is inaccessible and appears currently…

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