
not exactly work in progress…


RBRC – Late March catch up

Oops! I forgot to post for the Recycled Book Reading Challenge, for both February and March. (Updating with challenge host Mliae’s March post for RBRC).

So I’m going with two recent secondhand finds that I’ll continue to dip into, not intending to read them linearly and not in a hurry. That’ll give me time, hopefully, to get around to restarting finish re-reading The Zen Gun from January’s post, while I decide what book from my unread pile to pick for April.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

© Colette Bates 2015
Image created using SketchBook Express software for Android devices – unfortunately I broke it just about a year ago and hadn’t used it enough before that fateful day… but it only needs a screen and I’ll find a way much sooner than I’d likely find a four leaf clover, so wasting no more time, a…


This impossible blossom y’know

Tending to be on perpetual slow-go

As we ahoy now mid-March

Next week summertime starts

All that’s left is to go with the flow.


Unfortunately that’s not a good Limerick, but never mind, it’ll do and maybe I’ll write a better one another St.Patrick’s Day. I really love Limericks, here’s a page of ten more I made previously – you might have seen them already!

Happy and healthy weekend to you, hopefully!


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Blogger’s World Thursdays Late ‘Entrance’

Here’s a photo of my reflection in my backdoor earlier today.


I’m starting again from the beginning while there’s no prompt issues. Or I might do them by chance or topically or try and revisit some with writing or refreshing content (I’d like to help refresh our alumni contentment for ALL of us but life’s such a bitch and gets in the way and isn’t it just the same for everyone! #shutterbug


D.A.R.E 2 campaign4human Equality

Dear Valued and Respected Human Beings,

Inspired by Jacquie’s post and the intelligent discussion points she raises, I may appear to be ‘taking the piss’ BUT actually, I cannot stop anyone assuming anything they choose.

So, yes, I am taking the piss and minding my P’s and Q’s… In more ways than ONE.

This might be a risky post as a WOMAN with BALLS… no, not YC! I’m not dragging that silly bitch into a song or a dance either! (comic relief sometime but i got no license and late checking the web! apols! hopefully, not needed!) Anyway…

It annoys me, AS A WOMAN, (born and bred – don’t we have some funny sayings), it annoys me more than a bit, that in this day and age MEN(!) just don’t seem allowed to be HONEST anymore. Otherwise, they get accused of all sorts, namely, SEXISM and any-other-ism, potentially. So, back to BITCHIN’innIT… being a ninnie… 

I am ensuring to use my real-name-blog although it shoulda been a sWishingUp post really, I’ll just have to go with a reblog there of this. I couldn’t possibly leave any doubt that the photo at the end of this post might be my poor neighbour’s stuff in MY media library! It’s only a photo!

I couldn’t help but twit-ter with this earlier, cos i missed the boat yesterday for #internationalHumanityDay – or is that another day and i got my panties in a twist again?

See, a man wouldn’t get away with tweeting that and my tweet might not display if WOMEN object to another WOMAN making a joke of herself like THIS:


There, i can’t blame you if you prefer NOT to go 0-zone-iNG in tweetypieland.

I kinda went overboard yesterday joining in with a music video suggestion request and so having music on my mind today and Jacquie’s ‘I’m every woman’ bounced back at me while ‘itching in the kitchen again’ (Oasis!) with one of my (deceased) mum’s doubleCDs, ‘Power of a Woman’ which happens to have ‘I’m Every Woman’ by Chaka Khan on disc2.

So, as  a way of making a music post as far away as possible from the influences of the video post suggestion and then not stealing anyone else’s thunder, so to speak, I decided I could maybe post a playlist for [FEMALE]  #Humanity #EMPOWERMENT.

Or maybe I could invite any readers here to either

(a) pop over and contribute a suggestion to Mechteld’s post for any visually stunning music videos you remember in the #activism category as per this recent request at Blogger’s World (#blogging101alumni)

and/or (b) post your own music playlist choices for human/female empowerment – for this one you can pingback here, or at my sWishingUp reblog or not at all…

AND (c) there’s also Ritu’s #musicalmarch going on this month and i’m late getting into it tho’ have enjoyed some dawn chorus; feathered-friends chirping and cawing and even some coo-ing here and there throughout the day (and some ‘oorahnoo’ or however you spell that word pernicketically correct or PC enough for y’maybe not… and none of this is an address to bitch at ANY other person as such or per se… but not quite fancying the songs of choice at today’s post just yet, but know where to drop back to when that just the right moment arrives. There, at Ritu’s blog. Where I really enjoy reading some posts occasionally, because I’m never managing to get round reading enough at any of the many blogs I really enjoy visiting. Nevermind because I don’t believe any of us can really keep up with visiting and reading as much as we might wish to.

There should have been a shutterbug entrance (#BW) at this point but i’m separating that out for a photopost. After dinner.

(D) finally, I’m late for music-medicine  as per usual but managed some today 🙂 yay – AND i cleared the sink! (thatswashingup WILL always be getting ITself done eventually! never give up hope!) By the Way I’m not crash-tagging but you’ve all probably seen at Calen’s or other respected blogging101 alumni blogs that there’s this wonderful #MondayMusicMedicine and I must remember to take part better sometime whenever I get around to it.

I’m going to make you wait a few minutes, hours, (days?) and reblog this post at sWishingUp and make my playlist nice and neatly over there, so will just leave this for now. Now then, to take the piss all the way a bit more from A to Z here* (and I couldn’t believe the line i heard in one of them NICE respectable ladies empowerment songs(!) but will draw on that later* too) and try and get better sensible!

(Who says it’s NOT staged! or that ‘You Can’t….’?)… be careful with those assumptions…!

Playlist further-in place of ‘Power of a Woman’

to follow, later…


Please feel free to raise any issue of discussion below in comments – or pingback to your choice of playlist if playing along with human [female] empowerment TRACK choice(s) [is IT therapy?]

*Nope, probably not doing AtoZ from here, maybe not at all if i keep being so slowed.


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Doodling for a freewriting…(repost plus)

I still haven’t made any drawing but I doodled this earlier… and might make something of it elsehow and some other way(s) some other time…(NoteToSelf!) The doodle had to get itself out before I got on with a twenty-minute timed freewriting excercise around the question to task:

I write because there is no easy answer – no easy answers – no quick fix. Perhaps no fix it at all. Maybe nothing’s broken. Everything drifts. Sometimes to drift around uncertain shores is fine. Sometimes. Sometimes, to drop anchor, get it down, find my bearings – I should have found them before – but […]

via Another grey area — (my post at sWishingUp, …

…where I’m posting my #EverydayInspiration responses and working through #IntermediateCustomisation tasks.(I changed the theme, to another clunky one I don’t see often these days and I’m keeping it there for the next three weeks at least while I do this writing ‘class’).

I did both these #BloggingU classes in September2015 but was very messy and scatterbrained about it. I need to try and keep or make things neat and tidy…

So, I’ve signed up again, inspired and encouraged by my blogging neighbour, Sarah to Have Fun Learning some more and also to keep Blogging for Fun – (I just love those taglines she chose for her blogs) and as I haven’t found my scrap of paper with ‘pumpkin pie’ on it to submit for Sarah’s challenge, I’m writing an ad hoc new one in the here and now… here goes…

Does it have to be a haiku? I might try Autumn leaves, while Spring’s just round the corner, no signs of winter inbetween. That’s 29 syllables you see, though if I removed the first question, with eight syllables, then I’d only need to drop four more… and in adjusting that sentence… my haiku:

Where went wintertime

while Spring’s around the corner

Autumn leaves remain

Well, autumn leaves are still blowing around the yard and the pavements beyond. We have had some frost. I’ve seen real solid ice formations all of twice and the tiniest sprinkle of very temporary powdery-snow once and crystalised-ice-drops two or maybe three times. Autumn seemed to continue very slowly with the trees hanging on to leaves as long as they could possibly manage and dropping only a few at a time and winter hasn’t really seemed to get here. Although I do have all of two snowdrops in my backyard, as I posted yesterday at theWishingWell in Farewell February, Onward March

How’s the weather doing in your part of the world? and/or How are you doing? (now there’s another phrase I’ve not heard in ages…)